Wednesday 23 October 2013

NPF and Blood Members Released by Milton Police

The Street in Nova Scotia, where the NPF was founded
A gang the Hell's Angels employ and support, North Preston's Finest, shot off a gunshot on the night of August 30th, on Main Street in Milton Ontario.

The gunman was not pursued by police, even after verbal threats given to the victim on a regular basis, from the same assailants and their cousins, along with gun cocking afterwards as a death threat.

North Preston's Finest are known for forcing underage girls into sexual slavery and human trafficking, by violent means.

The Hell's Angels have helped them since their founding, as the Hell's Angels ran pimping in Nova Scotia according to this quote:
"They said the hardest part is convincing victims to come forward.

RCMP Const. Sebastian Decaens said in most cases a predator will manipulate their victim to either fall in love with them or make them feel like they need to pay off a debt.

"They would bring them to another city or another province to start dancing. Once again it's to create a habit, a need, and from that they would go to dancing to unfortunately the sex trade market," he said.

Renaud said that's exactly what happened to her friend Stacy.

"She ended up meeting a gentleman. He was a well-respected businessman, also a high-ranking Hells Angel," she said."

So you see both methods of Human Traficking/Sexual Slavery, the boyfriend method used by the NPF, and the strip club and trafficking method, used by the Hell's Angels.
This link will help you to understand the confinements made in Hell's Angels sexual slavery:

That link article was written by Tania Fiolleau, the woman, poitning out the Hell's Angels as the lead child pimps/abusers.

How it works in the NPF is, a member generates renown and a name, working  up the ranks, then is transferred to the Toronto GTA area to operate there. The Hell's Angels run them in Toronto and in Nova Scotia

Acoording to the Canadian Investigative Journal they have been noted to do such things as:

"Accused of forcing his girlfriend to strip and live under strict rules, then choking and beating her when she tried to escape."

"Who threatened her with scissors, a knife and a gun."

And for doing child pornography in the 90's, I'm not sure if they still do.

The Hell's Angels run the NPF out of their bars and strip clubs, and in Milton and the Peel region, operate out of a taxi service, along side the hired Hungarian pimps the Hell's Angels employ, who had a 17 year old girl escape sexual slavery from them in Milton.

This is the second gunmen the Hell's Angels had police let go, along with a blood street gang member who flashed this same victim a gun in broad daylight, who were later arrested and let go by police after they came out of the apartments they were visiting with what they claimed was just a silver cellphone, when the cellphone they had and showed the vitim at he time of the threat, identifying the weapon as a "Colt", was a jet black iphone on both sides. The gun was silver, as well the victim knew the colour of the gunman's underwear, which was red, depsite him haveing a long white shirt down to his knees. So the only way he could have known that was because he lifted it to show the tucked gun in his waist line.

This is two now of the Hell's Angels hired shooters let go by police, however the victim is dealing with the Staf Sargent and Police Review Board, to pursue both gang members, one identified, and one to be inpected by a home visit by police.

The NPF member is also being linked to a local rape.


Aldain Alondo Beckford was in the same human traffickng ring as the OPAPA invesitgation.

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