Tuesday 12 November 2013

Recording of the police response to alleged assault by an officer

All of this is "Alleged"

No charges were made, after the only way he could have got in was by pushing me through a locked door, the buzzer doesn't work, he didn't talk to anyone but me and I said don't follow me in after "allegedly" (I have to put), yelling at me, swearing at me, getting very physical body language wise, and then pushing me after I opened the door, he did so aggressively. He had no permissions to enter the indoor hallway, which belongs either to the residents or the land owner (either way it is private property, I looked it up), after the outdoor hallway, after assaulting me.

All I would have to ask in court is, "how did you get to the indoor hallway where my apartment is, with our buzzer being broken, not talking to anyone (he had followed me the whole time in an intimidating manner), and with me saying "don't follow me, you are being aggressive and it's against the law"?

And "why didn't you stay when I told you I phoned 911 and police were on the way, and when I asked you as you were leaving, desperately and quickly, for an explanation of what had happened, what you did and why, you didn't say anything and peeled off in your car?"

And yes it will go that far, I'm wondering why he was so violently enthusiastic about ending the investigation I filed, which had to do with officers and inconsistent reports regarding the HA, after yelling and swearing at me, over me saying I would like it to continue, as a report wasn't made involving a gun shot, which he said he had the report with him saying "this is it" looking at it like he was reading it, then later when I asked again he looked at the same sheets he was holding and pointed at and said he didn't bring it. So after verbally aggressively trying to get me to end the investigation in the car where we had the appointment set, the parking lot, saying he would end it himself with or without my permission, he shoved me and assaulted me and broke in to private property, by unlawful and violent means, then he took off when I said police were on the way.

The local police at the station wouldn't make a report on him, saying "I can vouch for him, you aren't very credible". Wow, having friends in the police must be nice.

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